Most breakups are totally preventable - but the you cannot do what feels "natural" (calling all the time, apologizing endlessly, etc.).

-->You Must Do This Instead

Advice on Using Sex To Repair Your Relationship

Being in a very bad relationship is sad way to live. Nothing is worse than being married plus lonely all the time. If you think the ideal way to save your withering relationship is to 'spice up your sex life' you might want to think about it first. Here is several recommendations on using sex to repair your relationship.

1st of all do not accept the ancient cliche that says if you've got great sex your partner will be glad and will not leave you. Unless your partner is an adolescent, or just simply acts like one, sex alone won't be enough to keep your relationship strong.

An excellent adult relationship is created with lots of little parts plus you need to get it clicking on more than a few levels, not just sexual, until you reach this point you'll struggle and won't be very happy during the relationship.

A word of caution though, no 1 is going to be perfect plus no relationship is perfect.

You may have times when you and your partner aren't on the identical page, and that's ok. It's more concerning a balance, within your relationship not that you should be on the identical page all the time.

If it's balanced the opposite way, where you're at odds a lot more than you're in sync you should seriously think about ending the link since the 2 of you just are not a smart fit, and that's unlikely to change.

Therefore before you start thinking that simply hotter sex is the secret key to making your relationship what you actually need it to be, think about a number of important points:

1. How was your relationship in the beginning? Did you have a ton of hobbies that you shared together? What did you are doing, besides sex, once you spent time along? If you do not do those things along anymore, why not? If you analyze here changes in your relationship you will be a ton closer to figuring out what you want to work on to create your relationship strong again.

2. Have you asked your partner what they think is definitely going on with your relationship? Once the both of you are each equally aware of the condition, and the overall problem. Why not share with them what you are feeling, instead of complaining to your girlfriends, or buddies, why not ask your partner? Nobody else will know what they are already thinking better than they do.

Make certain that after you find out from your partner what they are thinking you offer them the opportunity to tell you a way they feel during a 'safe' environment. What I mean by that is do not get mad plus yell at them if they are saying one thing you do not want to hear. If you do then you're sending them a signal which they can't open up to you or it'll get ugly, so they won't flip and get angry at you. That is a beginning of the end for most relationships.

Once they've told you the way they feel, it's your turn. And the final same rules apply. You've got the chance to express your feelings without being persecuted by your partner.

If you and your partner have reached a rough patch in your relationship it can be tempting to suppose that if you are able reignite a passion in bed you can be ready to save your relationship, unfortunately that's simply not the case. Use the advice on sex to repair your relationship tips I've offered above than to get started to rebuild your relationship in a very healthy way.

Click here for a great step by step guide to Repair Your Relationship